Christian was born in Munich, the Bavarian capital “with a heart“, in 1970. He experiences a happy childhood, mostly without any activities in music. His first attempts in music – violin lessons – last just a short time. When he grows older and hits puberty he becomes interested in rock and pop music. At the peak of the so-called German New Wave, groups like TRIO and IDEAL were apt to inspire a passion for music in Christian. At the age of 12, he persuades his parents and is allowed to start playing percussion.
Christian takes lessons at the local music school, and very soon he becomes a member in some bands and has his first performances in public. After that he practises playing the guitar and the piano, too, and he writes his first songs. At the age of 14/15 he strikes early success, for example he is awarded a sponsorship with a fee of 300 D-marks by a private radio station of Munich and has an appearance on Bavarian TV with a band of his own.
At that time Christian becomes aware that music is his great passion and wishing to get more involved with his instrument he attends the well-renowned school of percussion DRUMMERS FOCUS. He has lessons with Cloy Petersen, founder of the school, and with Pete Wrba and Thommy Eberhard. He also participates in workshops of internationally acclaimed drummers and as one example he goes to a masterclass of Carry Chaffee who is Vinnie Colaiuta’s teacher. At that time Christian plays in different bands in the fields of pop as well as in rock.
His interest in jazz keeps growing and Christian plays as a member of several groups in the Munich scene. He is accepted into the young people’s jazz orchestra of Bavaria ( Landesjugendjazzorchester Bayern).
In 1996 he graduates from Drummers Focus in percussion and once again he picks up the musical sides of his instrument. As a composer he is a self-taught manand just follows his intuition in his work. In 1998 love makes him move to Ulm, the beautiful city at River Danube. The same year he starts a family and the percussion school DRUMTALK.
Christian starts to work on musical notions of his own and in 2003, he incorporates the Christian Krischkowsky Quintet. Their first album “TS Bremen“ is released in 2005 within the series JAZZ THING NEXT GENERATION of the well-acclaimed trade journal JAZZTHING and of the Cologne label DOUBLEMOON. JAZZPODIUM calls this CD “a little evolutionary push for jazz in Germany“. It is followed by numerous tours through clubs and by performances on the stages of international festivals.
In 2010, the quintet releases their second album “55 DAYS“, a production with the German-Finnish singer Kristiina Tuomi as guest. JAZZPODIUM says, “What does one expect of someone who claims his musical roots to be in rock and pop, who opens up to jazz only at the age of 20 and who after all leveraged his talents for composing in this new field as a self-educated person ? Something new. If he like Christian Krischkowsky is gifted with such a talent, of such abundance of sound and ingenuity like this.“
The Album „Digital Immigrant“ of his Quartet was nominated for the „Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“ (4/2016)
Christian has played many concerts and has worked in some CD-productions and studio productions of rock and pop music and at the same time in the field of jazz. At the moment he is partner in a variety of of music projects and he tries to improve
his percussioning and follows his new music ideas.